Welcome to the Faroe Islands! Located in the Atlantic Ocean halfway between Norway and Iceland, are these beautiful green islands. They are part of the kingdom of Denmark. The unique shapes of these islands are quite striking. Only 50,000 reside here and it's never crowded. Towering cliffs, waterfalls, and rugged terrain are spectacular sites to see. If you are into photography, unforgettable hikes, bird watching or just want a unique vacation to see turf-roofed houses and Viking remnants from long ago, try the Faroe Islands! So are you up for this epic adventure? What are you waiting for?
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  1. Oooh wow! I've never heard of the Faroe Islands. These islands remind me of some filming locations for Star Wars. I wouldn't be surprised if they were included in some movies! Just looked it up and it looks like the new James Bond movie is filming there. Viking remnants sound even cooler!

  2. WOW! Now that is gorgeous and a place I've never heard of! I wonder what it would be like to live on those islands, what people do for work and what the daily life is like to live in such beauty. Why are the islands shaped like that?

  3. I have never heard of this island, but they look so beautiful. I love the fact that so few people live in the island, it goes to show that they are probably well preserved. Will definitely have to put them in my list of places to see.


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