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Palawan, Philippines

Oh, how gorgeous is this destination? Palawan was ranked #9 by CNN for being one of the top ten most beautiful island destinations in the world! The crystal clear blue waters and gorgeous beaches will take your breath away. Palawan has many limestone cave systems and in Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, there is an underground river that goes through these limestone caverns. This park is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

So what are some popular activities you can do here? Well, in addition to the underground river, there is a cluster of islands nearby, so you should absolutely go island-hopping to see the Big and Small Lagoon, Secret Lagoon, and Seven commandos beach. Of course, scuba diving is also awesome for both beginners and experienced divers in Bacuit Bay. Don't forget your GoPro!

If you want to venture inland, make sure you visit Nagkalit-kalit Falls and Makinit Hot Springs. If you want to be super adventurous, hike the Taraw Peak. It's the highest peak in El Nido and takes three hours to get to the top. The limestone rocks are jagged  and the climb is steep so hike with caution.

I hope you enjoyed this week's entry about Palawan and hope you consider adding this destination to your bucket list. I don't think you will regret it.


  1. Thank you for sharing this!! Just a couple days ago, my friends and I were talking about traveling to the Philippines together because right now I'm vacationing in Japan and I was just telling them how I wanted to travel with them. One of my friends suggested Palawan and I'm glad you posted about it. Thank you for all of the facts! I enjoy coming to your blog each week to see what you have posted!


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